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Bloat, Seizures and Skin Issues
Bloat, Seizures & Skin Issues
What is Bloat?
Bloat is a condition in which the stomach twists abnormally causing gas buildup and potential internal damage (including potential death) due to lack of adequate blood supply to organs. Bloat is currently thought to possibly be linked to conformation, temperament, and genetic predisposition. There are anecdotal reports of bloat within certain lines or families implying a possible genetic link. Certain breeds may be more susceptible to bloat and science is making advances in identifying possible genetic triggers however there is currently no testing available to evaluate the chance of a dog suffering from bloat nor is there a test to identify a dog with a genetic predisposition to bloat. It would make sense however that breeding stock should not be used that has a history of bloat or that has close relatives that have bloated. Asking about bloat should be part of the screening process when looking for a Collie.
Do Collies Have Seizures?
Any dog can have seizures whether that is mixed breed or purebred. Collies are no exception. Common sense dictates to ask a breeder about any seizure history in their dogs. Be aware however that this is another condition in which science has not given us the tools to identify or screen for this disorder. Seizures can have multiple causes with genetics playing and unknown role.
What is a Skin Issue?
All dogs can experience skin issues whether it be triggered by food or environmental allergies, hormones, or immune related complications. Ask the breeder about all issues that could impact skin health.
Puppies may occasionally experience ‘puppy mange’ after they move to a new home or are exposed to stresses in their lives. Often called ‘demodactic mange’ it is the result of an overpopulation of mites that normally live on the skin surface without causing an issue. Mange can also suddenly appear during hormonal changes from 6 mo to a year. The majority of hair loss issues are limited to the face and feet with roundish patches of hair loss. Anything other than this type of hair loss should be discussed with your vet. Puppy mange often does not require treatment as the hormones come back into balance or the stresses in the life of the puppy diminish and the body once again balances with natural skin flora.